Advanced Training in Integrated Sustainable Waste Management
for Siberian Companies and Authorities
We are glad to welcome you to our website of the Tempus project
"Advanced Training in Integrated Sustainable Waste Management for Siberian Companies and Authorities" (TIWaSiC)!
The project is carried out by a consortium of Russian and European universities, regional Russian authorities, Russian environmental ministries as well as international and national unions. The project "TIWaSiC" is approved and funded under the "Tempus IV" program by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission in Brussels in October 2013.
The project includes the development and implementation of new training courses for "Integrated Sustainable Waste Management aimed at employees of Russian companies from different industrial sectors and service enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses as well as for employees by authorities. The training courses will be conducted in the model region: Baikal region (Baikal, Transbaikalia) and the Far East (Primorye).
The aim of the website is to extend the project experiences and results not only at national but also at international level. On our website you will find a description of the project, information on the planned and implemented activities, the results of the implementation of the work packages, as well as a forum for environmentally friendly companies, presentations, information about the partners involved, the Information Center "Baikal Waste Management" and an image gallery.
We hope that the experience we gain in the project will be useful and interesting for you!
Best regards,
members of the international project "TIWaSiC"