Advanced Training in Integrated Sustainable Waste Management
for Siberian Companies and Authorities
Following the results of the TIWaSiC project, the round table "The partnership of government, business and science as a decisive factor in personnel modernization of the Russian economy in the field of integrated sustainable waste management" by the Committee on Property of the State Duma RF in Moscow and field trip to the Lyubertsy district take place from 29th to 31th of May 2016....more
The second test run of the advanced training course "Integrated
Sustainable Waste Management" for industry sectors and municipal wastes takes
place at the rkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU)
from 4th to 8th of September 2016....more
The field trips for employees of universities, authorities and companies from sphere of Waste management from different Russian regions (Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita, Vladivostok) and 3d Coordination Meetings takes place at the
Technische Universitaet Dresden (TUD) from 07th to 11th of December 2015....more
The advanced training course "Contaminated sites" for employers from four Russian universities takes place at the Technical University of Crete (TUC) from 10th to 15th of October 2015....more
The first test run of the advanced training course "Integrated Sustainable Waste Management" for housing
and municipal wastes takes place at the Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok (FEFU) from 14th to 16th of September 2015....more
The advanced training course "Waste analysis" for employers from four Russian universities takes place at the
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna from 10th
to 14th of August 2015 ...more
The advanced training course "Life cycle assessment (LCA)" for employers from four Russian universities
takes place at the Technical University of Denmark from 19th to 28th of June 2015 ...more
The advanced training course "Waste analytics" for employers from four Russian
universities takes place at the Technische Universität Dresden from 8th to 12th of June 2015 ...more
From 29.09 to 02.10.2014 the first workshop on "State and problems of the waste management in the most important industrial sectors in the Siberian region and the region of Primorje" will take place at the Transbaikal State University (TSU) in Chita ...more
From 12.05. to 15.05.2014 the kick-off meeting of the Tempus project "Advanced Training in Integrated Sustainable Waste Management for Siberian Companies and Authorities" – "TIWaSiC" will take place at the East Siberia State University of Technology and Management (ESSUTM) in Ulan-Ude ...more